LCL business
Surcharge for long and heavy cargo
Surcharge for excess length or excess weight of a single piece of goods exceeding the specified length or weight. Such goods are more difficult to handle in handling operations and require special handling in all aspects of transport, thus increasing costs in all aspects. Generally, the additional starting point is 5.9 meters per unit or 3 tons per unit. The rate is graded according to the length and weight. Please provide detailed dimensions of the unit before booking.
Customs clearance preparation and b/l
The exporter shall make the following preparations before customs clearance
1. Preparation of documents. Prepare a full set of customs declaration documents before export, and timely declare to the customs according to the date of port. The complete set of customs declaration documents includes the entrustment agreement for customs declaration (the format shall be subject to the requirements of the customs), packing list, invoice, contract, verification and cancellation of export receipt of foreign exchange, customs declaration for export goods and all kinds of documents involved in the conditions of customs supervision. The exporter shall, in accordance with the name of the export goods, consult the customs tariff rules and determine what conditions of supervision and control are required for the export goods. If the export goods are legally inspected, they should apply for inspection in advance to the relevant inspection institutions or entrust an agent to apply for inspection at the loading port, so as to create conditions for smooth customs clearance and shipment in the future. Declaration of export goods is an important document for the exporter to declare export formalities to the customs before shipment. The quality of customs declaration is directly related to the efficiency of customs declaration and the economic interests of the exporter. When filling in the declaration form of export goods, attention should be paid to the fact that the contents filled in are consistent with the contents of the packing list, invoice and contract. The name of the goods shall conform to its commodity code; The quantity and unit shall be consistent with the customs statistical unit of the export goods.
2. Preparation of goods. At present, the customs carries out customs declaration on arrival of goods, so preparing export goods in advance is a necessary condition for smooth customs clearance. If the goods are delivered by the factory, the export can ship the goods to the container transit station designated by the carrier, and the transit station is responsible for loading the goods into the container successively. If the exporter requires loading, the carrier may transport the empty containers to the exporter's warehouse and, after loading the goods, directly to the depot. How to choose a reasonable packing method in the process of packing export goods? Only when the exporter is familiar with the internal dimensions of the container, can he select a reasonable packing method according to the volume of each piece of export goods. The internal dimensions and maximum deadweight tons of the 20' dry container are: length 5890MM, width 2350MM, height 2390MM, maximum deadweight tons of 21 tons; Internal dimensions and maximum dead weight ton of 40' dry container: length 12029MM, width 2350MM, height 2390MM, maximum dead weight ton of 26 tons. According to the above data, the most reasonable packing method can be calculated. The exporter shall go to the site to check the loading situation and ask the container transit station to load the goods according to the loading method of the exporter. In this way, on a certain basis, can prevent short or wrong loading, thus laying the foundation for smooth customs clearance.
The concept, content, type and issue of the bill of lading
Bill of lading is a document issued by the carrier to the shipper upon receipt of the goods. It is goods receipt, the real right evidence that represents goods, it is the proof of bilateral carriage contract, can have business. The content of the bill of lading has two sides, positive content including name of vessel, port of shipment, port of destination, name of the shipper, consignee name, name of goods, mark, packing, quantity, weight or volume, freight, the original bill of lading number, date of b/l, the carrier or the master signature, such as specific terms, the reverse of the bill of lading is the responsibility of the carrier and the shipper, claims and litigation have detailed provisions. After the completion of loading the goods on board the ship, the carrier shall first confirm the freight, and then issue an on board bill of lading to the consignor. Bill of lading is one of the most important documents in shipping business. Upon receipt of the bill of lading, the shipper shall immediately go to the local foreign exchange bank for negotiation and settlement of exchange, and the bank shall, upon receipt of the bill of lading and relevant documents submitted by the shipper, upon examination, send the bill of lading and other documents to the local l/c issuing bank of the importer. Upon receipt of the documents by the local foreign bank, the payment for goods will be transferred to the account of the foreign exchange bank of China in its foreign bank. The foreign exchange bank of China will collect the payment for goods, and then the bank will transfer the payment for goods to the account of the domestic exporter. It can be seen that the exporter should be cautious when confirming the bill of lading with the carrier or its agent, so as to achieve "only consistent and consistent documents", otherwise, once the bill of lading is issued and then changed, it will affect the exporter's timely settlement of foreign exchange.
There are many types of bills of lading, which are mainly classified as follows:
(1) according to whether the goods have been shipped, divided into shipped b/l and ready for shipment b/l.
(2) clean bill of lading and unclean bill of lading are classified according to whether the goods are in poor apparent condition or not.
(3) according to different modes of transport, it can be divided into direct bill of lading and transhipment bill of lading.
(4) according to business habits, divided into backdated b/l and pre-borrowed b/l.
1. 准备的文件。出口前准备一套完整的报关单,并按口岸日期及时向海关申报。全套报关文件包括报关委托协议(格式应当接受海关的要求),装箱单,发票,合同,核销外汇的出口发票,报关出口货物和各种文档涉及海关监管条件。出口经营者应当按照出口货物的名称,查阅关税税则,确定出口货物应当具备哪些监管条件。出口货物经合法检验的,应当事先向有关检验机构申请检验,或者委托代理人在装货港申请检验,为今后顺利通关装船创造条件。出口货物报关单是出口商在货物装船前向海关办理出口手续的重要单证。报关的质量直接关系到报关的效率和出口商的经济利益。填写出口货物报关单时,应注意所填内容与装箱单、发票、合同内容一致。商品名称应当符合商品编码;出口货物的数量、单位应当与海关统计单位一致。
2. 准备货物。目前,海关在货物到达时进行报关,所以提前准备出口货物是顺利通关的必要条件。如果货物由工厂发货,出口可以将货物运送到承运人指定的集装箱中转站,中转站负责将货物依次装入集装箱。如果出口商要求装货,承运人可以将空集装箱运至出口商仓库,并在装货后直接运至仓库。出口货物包装过程中如何选择合理的包装方法?只有当出口商熟悉集装箱内部尺寸时,才能根据每件出口货物的体积选择合理的包装方式。20’干集装箱的内部尺寸和最大自重为:长5890MM,宽2350MM,高2390MM,最大自重为21吨;40'干集装箱内尺寸及最大自重吨:长度12029MM,宽度2350MM,高度2390MM,最大自重吨26吨。根据以上数据,可以计算出最合理的包装方法。出口商应到现场查看装货情况,并要求集装箱中转站按照出口商的装货方式装货。这样,在一定的基础上,可以防止短装或误装,从而为顺利通关奠定基础。
- 国际集装箱出口:首选预订根据客户要求---国内集装箱拖车服务---港口码头包装服务 - 报关(检验)服务---目的香港海关 清关服务---目的港到门服务。
- 国际集装箱进口:根据收件人的要求,首选订舱---国外集装箱拖车服务---码头港口包装服务 - 报关(报检)服务---国内清关服务(关税,相关政策咨询)---国内门到门服务。
- 多家船公司、航线优势,为客户优选性价比最高的船公司
- 每个船公司的包装服务合理,每个仓库和码头都有现场人员。可随时反馈包装进度。
- 专业加固团队在大型设备,钢卷,钢材和其他商品的包装要求方面拥有绝对的经验。
- 专业打托、缠膜、熏蒸服务
- 货柜规格明细
- 20尺钢制干货柜、40尺钢制干货柜、40尺超高钢制干货柜/li>
- 厚壁管,厚壁钢管,厚壁无缝钢管,小口径厚壁无缝钢管箱;提供航空运输和快递,空运和海运联合运输等联合运输解决方案;
- 货架管,防腐钢管包装;为世界各主要城市的港口提供清关和相关服务
- 门到门提货,代理报关,代理检验等服务; 联合代理发挥多年报关的优势,可以灵活处理深圳各海关港口物流难度高的货物,降低成本;
- 普通集装箱的整箱,拼箱货物运输;
- 特殊集装箱货物运输,包括开顶箱,框架箱,平板箱箱等;
- 相关配套预订,送货,商检,报关,熏蒸,仓储,送货和保险服务。
- 确保货物运输的安全。 集装箱运输大大减少了传统运输方式下的手动装卸和搬运次数。 这可以避免货物事故,如人为和自然因素造成的损坏,水分流失和损失,并减少经济损失。
- 节省包装材料的商品。 通过使用集装箱运输,可以简化或不包装,节省包装材料和成本,并降低商品成本。