我们拥有丰富的物流和货运代理经验和历史,是中国最大的无船承运企业(NVOCC),是服务于亚洲、东南亚和印度次大陆的五大无船承运企业之一,值得您的信赖。许多大大小小的客户都对我们的外包解决方案、新鲜农产品采购和Navisphere®技术表示赞赏。C.H. Robinson稳定的财务状况和不断扩大的全球网络值得您的信赖。即使在新兴市场,我们也拥有优秀的综合服务和灵活性,以加速您最大的优势。拥有广泛的分支机构和供应商网络,您可以快速有效地在世界任何地方装运几乎任何货物。几乎任何行业,从纺织、食品到电子和汽车,我们的专家对您的业务了如指掌。
1. 整箱装运和运输
2. 整箱装运和运输
We rely on comprehensive supply chain services, reliability and excellent customer service, in the market for competitive advantage. From our headquarters in North America to our extensive network of branches throughout Asia, Europe and South America,you will be working with one of the world's most prestigious transportation service providers.
C. h. Robinson is proud to have experienced logistics professionals in the Asia Pacific region. Our network of professionals covers 11 countries, including greater China, India and southeast Asia, and they can contact you friendly in your language. Please contact your nearest logistics expert at Robinson branch. We will help you with our expertise and problem solving skills. Our multilingual staff will use their local expertise to overcome every transportation challenge and build strong relationships with you.
We have rich logistics and freight forwarding experience and history, we are the largest non-vessel carrier (NVOCC) from China to North America, and one of the top five NVOCC serving Asia, southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent, all of which deserve your trust. Many customers, large and small, have praised our outsourcing solutions, fresh produce sourcing and Navisphere® technology. C.H. Robinson's financial stability and expanding global network deserve your trust. Even in emerging markets, we have excellent combined services and flexibility to accelerate your greatest advantage. With an extensive network of branches and suppliers, you can quickly and efficiently ship almost any cargo anywhere in the world. For almost any industry, from textiles and food to electronics and automobiles, our experts know your business inside out.
Shipping services:
1. FCL loading and transportation
Order FCL shipping service according to your requirements
C.h.robinson global logistics is a leading provider of reliable FCL shipping services in the asia-pacific region and beyond.
Choose the freight forwarder with the largest freight volume from China to the United States and the second largest freight volume from Asia to the United States. From small startups to the most complex mega enterprises, we can help you import and export, shipping services between major cities and ports around the world.
From Hong Kong and Shanghai to Chicago and mumbai to Rotterdam, our knowledgeable experts can reliably help you with shipping services wherever you do business. Our professionals will approach you friendly in your area in your language. Find the cargo container space you need when you need it. Based on the cooperation with major shipping companies, we have built a strong and stable global freight network to accelerate your maximum advantage ®.
Simplify your shipping agency process:
Get the shipping container space you need for your cargo
Enjoy all major ocean trade routes between continents
Develop compliance and risk reduction plans with local experts in the Asia Pacific region
Monitor trade compliance more easily with accurate data and reporting
With the help of our single global technology platform, Navisphere®, we provide container tracking data from all over the world
Select the cargo insurance option for further protection,
2. LCL loading and transportation
As the largest NVOCC from Asia to the us, we offer innovative LCL LCL solutions. We work with shipping companies to ensure that you can easily get available shipping container space at competitive prices.
As the largest freight forwarder from China to the United States and the second largest freight forwarder from Asia to the United States, we will help you use the weekly shipping schedules of major routes around the world to obtain consistent service and competitive sea freight rates.
For LCL goods, you only need to pay for the shipping space. Your single point of contact can help you through complex processes and solve any problems that might arise.
Start improving your shipping strategy immediately by using our LCL options in the asia-pacific region and around the world, from Europe to North America and Latin America.
Improve your LCL shipping strategy:
Greater value is achieved through LCL, competitive rates, better service and reduced freight handling
Choose a convenient weekly departure time from the main port
Use Navisphere online access to monitor Marine cargo tracking information
Feel free to use our reliable service and LCL LCL option
Integrate sea and air freight services to meet your transportation needs
Choose additional Marine cargo insurance to reduce all kinds of risks
Work with freight forwarders in your area to streamline the LCL shipping process
- 国际集装箱出口:首选预订根据客户要求---国内集装箱拖车服务---港口码头包装服务 - 报关(检验)服务---目的香港海关 清关服务---目的港到门服务。
- 国际集装箱进口:根据收件人的要求,首选订舱---国外集装箱拖车服务---码头港口包装服务 - 报关(报检)服务---国内清关服务(关税,相关政策咨询)---国内门到门服务。
- 多家船公司、航线优势,为客户优选性价比最高的船公司
- 每个船公司的包装服务合理,每个仓库和码头都有现场人员。可随时反馈包装进度。
- 专业加固团队在大型设备,钢卷,钢材和其他商品的包装要求方面拥有绝对的经验。
- 专业打托、缠膜、熏蒸服务
- 货柜规格明细
- 20尺钢制干货柜、40尺钢制干货柜、40尺超高钢制干货柜/li>
- 厚壁管,厚壁钢管,厚壁无缝钢管,小口径厚壁无缝钢管箱;提供航空运输和快递,空运和海运联合运输等联合运输解决方案;
- 货架管,防腐钢管包装;为世界各主要城市的港口提供清关和相关服务
- 门到门提货,代理报关,代理检验等服务; 联合代理发挥多年报关的优势,可以灵活处理深圳各海关港口物流难度高的货物,降低成本;
- 普通集装箱的整箱,拼箱货物运输;
- 特殊集装箱货物运输,包括开顶箱,框架箱,平板箱箱等;
- 相关配套预订,送货,商检,报关,熏蒸,仓储,送货和保险服务。
- 确保货物运输的安全。 集装箱运输大大减少了传统运输方式下的手动装卸和搬运次数。 这可以避免货物事故,如人为和自然因素造成的损坏,水分流失和损失,并减少经济损失。
- 节省包装材料的商品。 通过使用集装箱运输,可以简化或不包装,节省包装材料和成本,并降低商品成本。