A variety of shipping types that fit your budget and needs -- FCL and LCL. We will choose the most reliable and preferential shipping company for your import and export goods.
Services -
1. Door-to-door service
2. Customs clearance
3. insurance
4. Cargo tracking
5. Container shipping
Air freight
With our international and domestic partners to provide a variety of air freight solutions for your imports and exports. We will arrange the airline with the best service and the best price for you.
Services -
1. Door-to-door service
2. Customs clearance
3. insurance
4. Express mail
Professional rail transport, from manzhouli/begalsk to Russia and the cis countries (tajikistan, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan and turkmenistan).
The warehouses in the main industrial areas are equipped with modern storage facilities and are adjacent to major highways, seaports, and international airports. It can provide long-term and short-term storage for domestic goods.
Services -
1. storage
2. packaging
3. The label
4. Spell goods
Port common sense - basic port and basic freight rate
Basic Port (Base Port) is freight ships set liner companies to ports of call on a regular basis. Most of them are located in the center of the large Port, Port equipment condition is better, more cargo and steady. Provisions of the basic ports is no longer restricted cargo. Basic Port of the goods shipped to generally are direct transport, no transhipment. But sometimes due to the cargo is too little, ship's decision to transhipment, arranged by the ship itself, the costs of transshipment. According to the basic Port freight rate to charge the goods freight, transshipment shall not charge surcharge or direct additional. And shall issue a through bill of lading. Non-base ports. All ports other than basic ports are called non-base ports. In general, non-base ports will be charged on top of basic Port charges and transshipment surcharge
For example, the HONIARA port on the New Guinea route is the basic port of the Solomon islands; And base port eta (KIETA), it is a Basic port. To base the goods eta port Freight Rate to be on the basis of o Hou Ni la Freight Rate increase with transshipment surcharge $43.00 (USD)/FT. Basic Freight Rate (Basic Rate). Freight Rate is the Price of each Unit of goods, such as per ton or per cubic metre per Freight ton Price, namely namely Freight units. English can be said to Freight Unit Price. The Basic Freight Rate is the Freight for the goods specified in the table will receive the Basic Freight Unit Price, percentage is other surcharge calculation basis. Liner freight is by the basic freight rates and surcharges rules (if any) composed of two parts. So, some port to check the basic rate only, also is not necessarily a complete unit price calculated freight. Such as in the east route of Mauritius Louis port from Hong Kong to the second carrier, 10 level of bulk cargo base the rate is $84 (USD)/FT; The port surcharge rate is $4 /FT.
Domestic delivery time
1. Domestic freight time emergency cargo carrier should arrange the earliest flight out. 2. The need to deal with urgent transport of the goods, the shipper shall be specified on the bills of lading date of shipment and flights, the carrier shall, in accordance with the specified date and flight out. Need to handle connecting express transportation of goods, the carrier must obtain the consent of the connecting terminal shall not. 3. The limit time to transport the goods, shall be prescribed by the shipper and the carrier to date specified on the bills of lading. The carrier shall, within the prescribed period of time the goods to the destination. 4. General cargo in the carrier should be 4 days out of the latest trunk flights. 5. Ordinary goods shall be shipped out by regional carriers within 8 days at the latest.
服务- - - - - -
1. 上门服务
2. 通关
4. 货物跟踪
5. 集装箱运输
服务- - - - - -
1. 上门服务
2. 通关
4. 特快专递
服务- - - - - -
1. 存储
2. 包装
4. 拼货
1. 国内货运时间紧急货运承运人应安排最早的航班出港。2. 需要办理紧急运输的货物,托运人应当在提单上注明装运日期和航班,承运人应当按照规定的日期和航班运出。需要办理联运快运货物的,承运人必须征得联运终端的同意后方可办理。3.运输期限,由托运人和承运人约定,至提单载明的日期为止。承运人应当在规定的期限内将货物运至目的地。4. 一般货物在承运人应在4天的最新干线航班。5. 普通货物最迟应在8天内由区域承运人发出。
- 国际集装箱出口:首选预订根据客户要求---国内集装箱拖车服务---港口码头包装服务 - 报关(检验)服务---目的香港海关 清关服务---目的港到门服务。
- 国际集装箱进口:根据收件人的要求,首选订舱---国外集装箱拖车服务---码头港口包装服务 - 报关(报检)服务---国内清关服务(关税,相关政策咨询)---国内门到门服务。
- 多家船公司、航线优势,为客户优选性价比最高的船公司
- 每个船公司的包装服务合理,每个仓库和码头都有现场人员。可随时反馈包装进度。
- 专业加固团队在大型设备,钢卷,钢材和其他商品的包装要求方面拥有绝对的经验。
- 专业打托、缠膜、熏蒸服务
- 货柜规格明细
- 20尺钢制干货柜、40尺钢制干货柜、40尺超高钢制干货柜/li>
- 厚壁管,厚壁钢管,厚壁无缝钢管,小口径厚壁无缝钢管箱;提供航空运输和快递,空运和海运联合运输等联合运输解决方案;
- 货架管,防腐钢管包装;为世界各主要城市的港口提供清关和相关服务
- 门到门提货,代理报关,代理检验等服务; 联合代理发挥多年报关的优势,可以灵活处理深圳各海关港口物流难度高的货物,降低成本;
- 普通集装箱的整箱,拼箱货物运输;
- 特殊集装箱货物运输,包括开顶箱,框架箱,平板箱箱等;
- 相关配套预订,送货,商检,报关,熏蒸,仓储,送货和保险服务。
- 确保货物运输的安全。 集装箱运输大大减少了传统运输方式下的手动装卸和搬运次数。 这可以避免货物事故,如人为和自然因素造成的损坏,水分流失和损失,并减少经济损失。
- 节省包装材料的商品。 通过使用集装箱运输,可以简化或不包装,节省包装材料和成本,并降低商品成本。